Australian HiFi is the definitive magazine for discerning listeners and Hi-Fi enthusiasts. Every issue is packed with equipment and music reviews, new product information and ‘how-to’ articles. Australian Hi-Fi magazine is dedicated to helping you find the best quality sound for your home.
Editor's lead in
Australian HiFi
Brooklyn meets Brazil
Streaming simplicity
Per-second streaming payouts
A lasting legacy
A "Rolls Royce" ribbon tweeter
Let there be vinyl!
Brio returns
Musical Fidelity brings back the 'B'
Fyne showings
Experts of expression
New Horizons
Small yet supreme
Vinyl fidelity
FiiO flagships
WiiM ventures beyond streaming
Dutch & Dutch 8c
Yamaha NS-2000A
Laboratory Test Report • Readers interested in a full technical appraisal of the performance of the Yamaha NS-2000A Loudspeakers should continue on and read the LABORATORY REPORT published on the following pages. Readers should note that the results mentioned in the report, tabulated in performance charts and/or displayed using graphs and/or photographs should be construed as applying only to the specific sample tested.
Marantz Model 60n
6 free apps to supercharge your hi-fi experience
Headphone experts explain how active noise cancellation can hurt sound quality
How does ANC work?
Getting to the bottom of bit-perfect casting (…and wiring) • Stephen Dawson dons his detective cap once more as he investigates how ‘bit-perfect’ the popular Apple AirPlay, Google Cast and DLNA protocols really are…
Technics SL-1300G
Ideon Audio IΩN
Modwright KWA 99
Laboratory Test Report
15 BRILLIANT TRACKS TO TEST BASS • Everybody loves bass, right? Low frequencies don’t just move a substantial mass of air, they are also crucial when it comes to music moving you both emotionally and even physically. Nothing makes you feel more alive than a proper bass blow to your stomach. That said, ribcage-rattling power and volume aren’t everything, so this collection of songs also showcases bass subtlety, agility and detail…
Music Reviews Top Picks
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