Written to help you do a better job of managing your personal and family financial affairs and to help you get more for your money. You get ideas on saving, investing, cutting taxes, making major purchases, advancing your career, buying a home, paying for education, health care and travel, plus much, much more. Special issues cover the latest information about car buying (December) and Mutual Funds (March and September).
A Booming Economy
Is Inflation Really Back?
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
LONG-TERM RATES WILL EDGE HIGHER • Yields on bank savings accounts will stay low. Home mortgage rates will remain affordable.
EMPTY CUBICLES? MANY WORKERS WANT TO STAY HOME • Saving money is one reason employees prefer remote work.
COVID SPARKED A SURGE OF GENEROSITY • One big focus among donors: charities that address food insecurity.
CALENDAR 09/2021
HOW TO PROFIT FROM • These funds are a huge hit with investors. Plus, everything you need to know about the Kiplinger ETF 20, our favorite exchange-traded funds.
A Guide to the Kiplinger ETF 20
Other Exchange-Traded Products
New This Year in the ETF 20
Tips on Buying and Selling ETFs
Shield Your Portfolio From Inflation • Use our picks to hedge against rising prices that can eat into your investment returns.
Readers Find Some Weird Winners
How to Play the High-Yield Rally • Junk bonds have been on a tear, so this fund has shifted to defense.
The Case for Investing Overseas
I Still Like the Trillion-Dollar Stocks
The Bank Disrupters • Fintechs offer mostly free accounts with tantalizing yields and slick features, but don’t expect much hand-holding.
Chime Strikes a Sour Note
Find the Best Fintech Account for You
New Perks From Our Best Rewards Cards
How to Boost Your Financial Savvy • Annamaria Lusardi is a professor of economics and accountancy at George Washington University and academic director of the university’s Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center. She has done extensive research on the topic of women and financial literacy. Her most recent paper is “Fearless Woman: Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation.”
Make a Plan to Start Repaying Student Loans • The pandemic-era pause on student loan repayments is scheduled to end September 30. If you can’t afford payments, you have options.
Can You Lower Your Payments?
Plan Now for Long-Term Care • You could buy insurance to finance future costs, but policies are pricey. Here’s how to decide whether you need coverage.
Is Government Help on the Way?
Retirement Can Keep You Busy
Make a Shopping List for Stocks • Identifying candidates to buy before a market sell-off can help you execute a buy-the-dip plan.
Find Health Insurance You Can Afford
How to Win in a Red-Hot Housing Market • Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, these strategies will help you get the best deal.
Mortgages Will Stay Affordable
Give a First-Time Buyer a Hand • With home prices soaring, newbies may need financial help from their family. Here’s how to do it right.
Tying the Knot Post-Pandemic • This wedding planner is gearing up for a full fall season amid continuing concerns about safety.