New from the makers of How It Works, this special edition explores the ins and outs of the human body. Delve deep inside your own flesh and discover what really makes us tick, from our basic building blocks – DNA and cells – to the systems that keep us alive and kicking.
The human body • Journey inside the body to discover just what we are made of
The ageing body • We may not be able to stop it, but we can begin to understand it
Cell structure explained • The human body has over 75 trillion cells, but what are they and how do they work?
Types of human cell • Around 200 different varieties of cell have been identified, all with specific functions. Discover the main types…
Inside a nucleus • Dissecting the control centre of a cell
What are stem cells? • Understand how these building blocks bring new life
Your skeleton • This incredible living framework provides more than just structural support
Bone structure • The long bones are formed into tubes, closed at both ends and capped with cartilage
Skeletal system • Get to know the bones in your body with our guide to the human skeleton
Joints • For individual bones to function together, they must be linked by joints
How our muscles work • Muscles are essential for us to operate on a daily basis, but how are they structured and how do they keep us moving
Muscular power • Why are some people strong but others weak, and how does exercise and training increase muscle strength?
What’s inside your head • A look at how our thinking machines are put together
The human skull • Understand the complex structure that supports our brain and facial tissues
Anatomy of facial expressions • Does it really take more muscles to frown than to smile?
The human brain • Described as the most complex thing in the universe, our brains are truly astonishing
Brain development • From a single cell to an incredibly intricate network in just nine months
Making memories • The brain can store around 1 million gigabytes of data
Selfcleaning brains • We have a built-in system to clear toxic waste from between our brain cells
How do nerves work? • Nerves carry signals throughout the body – a chemical superhighway
What does the spinal cord do? • The spinal cord actually is part of the brain and plays a major role in the body
Neurotransmitters and your feelings • Are our moods and emotions really just brain chemistry?
Brain cells • Find out what’s really going on inside your head
Your amazing brain • Modern neuroscience is unravelling the body’s most complex organ and rebuilding it from the bottom up
The developing brain
The science of sleep • By monitoring the brain’s electrical activity, scientists are unravelling the mystery of sleep
Making memories • The human brain has an amazing capacity for retaining information
Imaging the brain • Take a look at the most common techniques used to study the living brain
Brain damage • Different injuries affect the brain in different ways
Cutting-edge neuroscience • The human brain is one of the most complex structures in the known universe and understanding how it works is an enormous scientific undertaking. Modern neuroscience brings together experts from a huge array of fields and scientists are finally beginning to untangle the many mysteries of the human brain
Science of vision • Uncovering one of the most complex constructs in the natural world
Colour vision • Why humans see the world in so many colours
How we see • Look around you – do you know what you’re seeing with?
How corrective lenses...